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The Celestial Railroad

214 259 Kč
Ušetříte 45 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
The Celestial Railroad

The Celestial Railroad

eng flag
214 259 Kč Ušetříte 45 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: Folio, spol.s r.o.
Počet stran 25
Dostupné od 30. 10. 2013
Médium kniha
Vazba paperback



"Very probably! And what effect could be anticipated from such unsubstantial stuff?" cried Mr. Smooth-it-away. "You observe this convenient bridge. We obtained a sufficient foundation for it by throwing into the slough some editions of books of morality, volumes of French philosophy and German rationalism; tracts, sermons, and essays of modern clergymen; extracts from Plato, Confucius, and various Hindoo sages together with a few ingenious commentaries upon texts of Scripture, -all of which by some scientific process, have been converted into a mass like granite. The whole bog might be filled up with similar matter."
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