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My Name Is Asher Lev

247 299 Kč
Ušetříte 52 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
My Name Is Asher Lev

My Name Is Asher Lev

eng flag
247 299 Kč Ušetříte 52 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: Slovart
ISBN 978-0-141-19056-3
Počet stran 330
Médium kniha
Vazba paperback



Asher Lev is a gifted loner, the artist who painted the sensational "Brooklyn Crucifixion". Into it he poured all the anguish and torment a Jew can feel when torn between the faith of his fathers and the calling of his art. Here he plunges back into his childhood and recounts the story of love and conflict which dragged him to this crossroads.
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