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An Unquiet Mind

297 359 Kč
Ušetříte 62 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
An Unquiet Mind

An Unquiet Mind

eng flag
297 359 Kč Ušetříte 62 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: Bohemian Ventures, spol. s r.o.
ISBN 978-1-4472-7528-2
Počet stran 230
Médium kniha
Vazba paperback



With an introduction by Andrew Solomon 'It stands alone in the literature of manic depression for its bravery, brilliance and beauty.' Oliver Sacks I was used to my mind being my best friend. Now, all of a sudden, my mind had turned on me: it mocked me for my vapid enthusiasms; it laughed at all of my foolish plans; it no longer found anything interesting or enjoyable or worthwhile. Dr Kay Redfield Jamison is one of the foremost authorities on manic depression (bipolar disorder) - and has experienced its terrors and cruel allure first-hand. While pursuing her career in medicine, she was affected by the same exhilarating highs and catastrophic lows that afflicted many of her patients. From her jubilant childhood to the disquiet that has dominated her adult life, she charts a journey through her own mind, and those of others. An Unquiet Mind is a definitive examination of manic depression from both sides: doctor and patient, the healer and the healed. A classic memoir of enormous candour and courage, it teems with the wit and wisdom of its creator.
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