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Complete Guide to Chinese Horoscopes

82 99 Kč
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ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
Complete Guide to Chinese Horoscopes

Complete Guide to Chinese Horoscopes

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82 99 Kč Ušetříte 17 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: Folio, spol.s r.o.
ISBN 978-1-60220-153-8
Počet stran 216
Dostupné od 20. 11. 2015
Médium kniha
Vazba paperback



Representing a tradition more than 2,000 years old, the Chinese horoscope cycle lasts for a period of twelve years, with each year featuring a different symbolic animal. Ancient Chinese beliefs, which persist to the current day, hold that the year of one's birth has a great effect on one's character, which relates to the features of that year's symbolic animal. For example, a person born during the year of the mouse will be smart and rich, which are characteristics attributed to the mouse. Likewise a person born in the year of the ox will be hardworking and down-to-earth, while a person born in the year of the tiger will be majestic and fierce. There are further levels of refinement to the Chinese horoscope cycle, based on beliefs related to the ancient divination text, Classic of Changes (I Ching), the Five Elements Theory (metal, wood, water, fire, earth), yin and yang, and the Ten Celestial Stems and Twelve Terrestrial Branches. These concepts, fundamental in China, are explained in this book, giving a fuller understanding of the Chinese zodiac, as well as an insight into Chinese culture. Today, a vast number of people around the world believe their zodiac animal influences their hearts, minds, fortunes and relationships. Do you know to which symbolic animal you belong, according to the year of your birth? And do you know the element and other nuances of the forces that rule your particular birth year? This knowledge can guide you in every step of life, helping you to answer such important questions as: Who is a good partner? What kind of job is most suitable? Get to know yourself better with this handy guide.
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