The book Acupuncture - Celestial Stems & Terrestrial Branches is a must for students, teachers and acupuncturists because it explains the basic concepts and treatment principles, as written in the Nei Jing, of acupuncture. This book is one of a series of books, which will introduce the acupuncture practitioner into the field and knowledge, of the Wu Yun Liu Qi acupuncture, as described in the Nei Jing Su Wen & Ling Shu and Nan Jing. This way of acupuncture is known as Stems & Branches. The books published are an introduction to Wu Yun Liu Qi acupuncture, in order to benefit practitioners and patients all over the world. The books will introduce the practitioner into the physiology and philosophical principles of the most anvient and original acupuncture, This philosophy and the practical application of acupuncture, will be explained extensively in this book, Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches
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