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The Haw Lantern

247 299 Kč
Ušetříte 52 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
The Haw Lantern

The Haw Lantern

eng flag
247 299 Kč Ušetříte 52 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: Slovart
Počet stran 64
Dostupné od 10. 9. 2019
Médium kniha
Vazba vázaná vazba



Widely praised on its first publication in 1987, The Haw Lantern ventured into new imaginative territory with poems exploring the theme of loss - including a celebrated sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother - joined by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein. This beautifully designed edition forms part of a series of ten titles celebrating Faber's publishing over the decades.
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