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Einstein´s Fridge : The Science of Fire, Ice and the Universe

247 299 Kč
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ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně
Einstein´s Fridge : The Science of Fire, Ice and the Universe

Einstein´s Fridge : The Science of Fire, Ice and the Universe

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247 299 Kč Ušetříte 52 Kč
ZDARMA osobní odběr v knihovně

Detaily titulu

Nakladatelství: HarperCollins Publishers UK
Počet stran 320
Dostupné od 14. 4. 2022
Médium kniha
Vazba paperback



Einstein's Fridge tells the story of how scientists uncovered the least known and yet most consequential of all the sciences, and learned to harness the power of heat and ice. The laws of thermodynamics govern everything from the behaviour of atoms to that of living cells, from the engines that power our world to the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Not only that, but thermodynamics explains why we must eat and breathe, how the lights come on, and ultimately how the universe will end. The people who decoded its laws came from every branch of the sciences - they were engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, cosmologists and mathematicians. Their discoveries, set over two hundred years, kick-started the industrial revolution, changed the course of world wars and informed modern understanding of black holes. This book captures the thrill of discovery and the power of revolutionary science to change the world forever.
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